6 Best Ways to Choose a Trekking Company in Nepal

  • Sunil Gurung
  • Last Updated on Feb 21, 2024

Giving you the 6 Best Ways to Choose a Trekking Company in Nepal as there are undoubtedly simple steps to find a reliable one: We understand the fact of how challenging it is for anyone to pick one particular trekking company from among thousands that survive in Nepal. If you only try to look into the list of trekking agencies in Nepal, they are simply unlimited. Selecting one reliable trekking company and booking your wonderful holiday is indeed very overwhelming. Furthermore, the rise of local travel agencies is amplifying in numbers on an everyday basis.

Besides international companies, there are domestic companies affiliated with agent companies overseas. Further, there is a generous quantity that simply runs as typically local on its own with no overhead reinforcement from foreign companies. No one can actually give you the right figure on how many trekking agencies really exist in Nepal. There is certainly an abundant number of Trekking Agencies in Kathmandu (the capital city) only.

However, when it comes to deciding on one among thousands of these it is indeed really crucial and very confusing. There are ample Nepal trekking and tour operators who guarantee you so much over a very CHEAP cost - After all, it's very uncertain, and to believe that they do deliver what they promise. However, the below article gives you the 6 Best Ways to Choose a Trekking Company in Nepal. There are steps that everyone is to look into before choosing trekking agencies in Nepal.

It is always wise to trek with the LOCAL TREKKING COMPANY as it is unquestionably hassle-free. Everything is prearranged prior to your arrival in Nepal. Furthermore, Local companies will be there with a prompt solution to any emergency situation that arises during your stay in Nepal. You get the privilege of having local leaders who are very well with the region. They are well with the area knowledge and can share necessary information more than anybody else. Very significantly it’s TIME-SAVING. Once again it's very challenging to find the best local trekking agency in Nepal.

Furthermore, what MAKES or BREAKS your delightful Holiday solely depends on the Company or Agency you so choose.

Table of Contents

The 6 Best Ways to Choose a Trekking Company in Nepal are as follows:

  1. Company’s Website.
  2. Affiliations and Legitimacy.
  3. Reviews.
  4. Services - What are Included?
  5. Company’s prompt response.
  6. Awareness

1) Surfing into their web page:

As Bill Gates has quoted “If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of the business” This rightly applies in the new world of business. Besides many other things Website is the soul of the company. Make sure you apprehend the necessary details by surfing the company’s web page before you sign up for your holiday. Web pages give you so much about a company that conveys thorough material about what the company represents and its requirements. Transparency is the symbol of trustworthiness which is furnished by the website where you can do thorough scanning. Companies shouldn’t be reluctant but rather be willing to show their costs, terms and conditions, etc.

The company’s web page serves as a complete pack giving you vivid detail either through images; write-ups, videos, or testimonials. The online presence of the company is indeed very important. The info on the website builds up so much credibility as it contains almost everything that can prove the genuineness of a company. See how much of an online presence a company has. The quality of a Website also gives you a basic idea of its reliability. The well-built-up website shows you how accessible the company is. When you search for the company just by its name the number of site links that it shows up in Google also gives you the genuine online presence of the company.

2) Affiliations and Legitimacy:

To start up a travel-related company in Nepal you are to register with certain governmental and private bodies without which it is impossible for a company to be legitimate. Which is to say, every single Nepal tour or Travel company is to be affiliated with these legitimate bodies. Legal companies are those who are affiliated with government bodies like the Nepal Tourism Board, the Department of Tourism, and the office of the company registrar.

In case of affiliation failure, the company doesn’t reserve the right to issue any permits or acquire a tourism license. They need to associate with private bodies like TAAN as well (Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal). Furthermore, if the company is liable for organizing peak climbing trips then they are to register with NMA (Nepal Mountaineering Association).

Moreover, they are to get the sanction for doing business with foreign currency from NRB, the central bank of Nepal. People are to check if the company is allied with these authorities to confirm their trustworthiness. And to do this their website is no better place to look into. Usually, the details of all these credentials are titled on their web page as ‘LEGAL DOCUMENTS’.

3) Trip Advisor and other testimonials.

In the world of online business and marketing Trip Advisor has played a vital role in furnishing ample information concerning vacation planning. Before you decide on picking one particular trekking company in Nepal you can always monitor their Trip Advisor reviews. Besides it also provides you with sufficient reports on the trekking company you are choosing. Reviews on Trip Advisor do really help you in choosing the local trekking company in Nepal.

Besides trip Advisor provides you with the client’s email through which you can literally shoot them an email inquiring about the company and their service. Furthermore, most website contains review from previous clients on the destinations they have done and how they turned into. Anybody has the right to go through the reviews and consider choosing the agency.

4) Services: Your choice determines the quality of your vacation:

Make sure you sincerely look into the services provided by the company you have preferred. Though thousands of people travel to the same destination there is a variation in terms of services. Almost all trekking company in Nepal promises to deliver quality service. However, in reality, it’s not so. People tend to go for a cheaper company that guarantees to deliver an excellent service. Recently, there has been a scam regarding personal health and rescues which are now under investigation. When you are evaluating the trip costs make sure you check what the company is providing. A clear examination is a must.

Things that you are to Assess are:

  • If your trip includes all ground transportation including pick up and drop.
  • Make sure you are provided with quality hotels in the cities or just a basic guest house.
  • Question if (for some destination) your trip includes driving or flying options.
  • What is included and excluded?
  • If your trip includes tour entrance fees.
  • Examine the trip duration the company is providing.
  • See if transportation is private or local.
  • Check if your leaders are professional, medically trained, and license holders.
  • Uncover if they provide you with equipment like a duffel bag, sleeping bag, rain poncho, etc.
  • Ensure they are able to carry out processes efficiently during an emergency situation.
  • If the staff is insured and paid well.
  • Find if your food is on a fix or on the choice menu.
  • If hot beverages are included or cost extras etc.


Almost all company website provides you with detailed info in their ‘what’s included and what’s excluded’ category. Just because you bumped into the cheapest company promising you exceptional service then it’s better to give a second thought. It always depends on your choice of the company that can make or break your dream vacation. These are some vital things you need to look into to find the best trekking company in Nepal.

5) List your requirements:

Trekking in Nepal is a beautiful once-in-a-lifetime experience. It is always very wise to list your requirements, and what are you expecting out of a company. And to do this you can always inquire by sending an email to the company regarding your requirements, price, and things involved in the offered package. Question the agency regarding your plan, availabilities, mode of transportation, or difficulty level. Make sure you are well aware of things before you blindly sign up for a trip with any agency. Identify your requirements and make necessary queries and arrangements that best suit you and your group.

Besides all these see if your company is genuinely interested in your queries. A company with a prompt response to your queries and easy communication certainly demonstrates its sincerity. Examine if they actively participate in your plan counseling and give you ample alternatives. The company shows its genuineness by honestly offering things that absolutely suit your requirements. However, you can realize the incompetence of the company by recognizing the fact that some are simply hell-bent on selling their packages.

6) Homeworks - Awareness:

Make sure the company you are booking your vacation in Nepal does their homework. They should have broader knowledge and updates with necessary information regarding their undertakings. Confirm if they have complete information about the trip you are signing for. They should be well prepared with their keen research over things and uncertainty about the region or place you are traveling. The company must be able to answer all your genuine queries with precise responses. In cases of not being very well-versed, nonetheless, they should be able to revise and update you after necessary research.

It is to say that your company should be well aware of the things that you may encounter in Nepal during your vacation.

Hope this blog, 6 Best Ways to Choose Trekking Company in Nepal will assist you to find the best trekking company in Nepal.

Sunil Gurung

Sunil Gurung

An Adventurer who founded Nepal Pyramids to showcase the enchanting wonders of Nepal. A writer moved to share the wonders, wisdom, and warmth discovered in the mountain communities of this magical country.

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