Climate Change Reshaping Nepal's Trekking Seasons

  • Sunil Gurung
  • Last Updated on Aug 19, 2024

How Climate Change is Reshaping Nepal's Trekking Seasons:

We are very well aware of the fact that Global warming is a well-documented phenomenon that has been altering weather patterns globally. We can realize the effects of climate change which is visible in various parts of the world. This certainly has far-reaching consequences on the traditional trekking seasons largely impacting tourism and outdoor activities in Nepal. Let us do a quick analysis on how Climate Change is Reshaping Nepal’s Trekking Seasons.

Nepal is not just home to the 8 highest above 8000 meters peak including Mount Everest, it is also home to abundant 5K, 6K, and 7K meter peaks. It is a country where 42% of its land surface is covered by high hills and around 35% is covered by majestic mountains.

Besides, Nepal has a very unique topography. The traveling distance from the South to the North in a linear distance is only 200km. However, in this short distance, Nepal presents remarkable altitude variation with sub-tropical lowland in the Terai at 59 meters to the world’s highest summit of Everest at 8848 meters.

This unique topography not only shapes the diverse landscapes of Nepal but also significantly influences the climate and cultural diversity. Nepal is a paradise for trekkers and mountaineers and has been a mecca for adventure enthusiasts. This Himalayan nation has fascinated the hearts of millions of outdoor lovers from around the world for decades.

Unfortunately, Climate Change is silently rewriting the entire weather pattern making it very unpredictable for everyone.

We are all witnessing Climate Change which can’t be denied and its effects are being felt in the fragile Himalayan ecosystem of Nepal as well. The once-predictable trekking seasons are now becoming more unpredictable. We will explore how climate change is affecting Nepal's trekking seasons and what it means for your next high-altitude adventure.

Table of Contents

Global Warming and Climate change in simple:

To make it very simple, Global Warming is like the Earth having a fever. The root cause of this is increased greenhouse gases in the air which trap heat from the sun. The greenhouse effect is an essential natural phenomenon that is required to sustain life on Earth. However, the increased greenhouse gases result in trapping too much heat from the sun which makes the earth warmer overall. 

Climate Change is indeed essential which is a natural process and takes place within its time period. But due to Global Warming, this change is happening much earlier than its normal period. This is largely because of human activities like burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests, pollution, population, etc.

This advancing climate change is now altering the entire weather patterns globally. Some regions are getting much hotter, others colder, some areas are experiencing heavy rain and floods, while others suffer from famines and so on.

But the most terrifying realization is that this climate change is posing a serious threat to the entire ecosystem presenting significant challenges for overall sustainability.

Nepal's Traditional Trekking Seasons:

Before we talk about How Climate Change is Reshaping Nepal's Trekking Seasons, let's look into Nepal's traditional trekking seasons. Understanding these historical season patterns will help us to realize the magnitude of the season shifts occurring today.

Nepal has four distinct seasons each offering diverse beauty and weather patterns. But Traditionally Nepal has two primary Trekking and Climbing seasons which are SPRING and AUTUMN. These 4 traditional seasons are Spring, Summer/Monsoon, Autumn, and Winter – let's elaborate on this a little further.


Traditionally Spring in Nepal starts from March till May. Spring is still considered one of the best trekking and climbing season in Nepal. All popular expeditions including the Everest Expedition are organized during this season that will last till the end of May. Spring is said to offer clear blue skies, moderate temperatures, and blooming floras painting the landscapes.


After the Spring season is over it will be the start of the Summer/Monsoon season. Summer in Nepal is synonymous with the monsoon as well. This season traditionally starts from June till August. July is traditionally considered the peak period with the highest precipitation.

Monsoon isn’t considered a favorable trekking season in Nepal due to heavy rainfall, muddy trails, risk of landslides, and Poor visibility. However, trekkers can trek to destinations like Upper Mustang or Dolpo during this time since it falls under the rain shadow area.


After Summer/Monsoon comes the Festival Season we call Autumn. This beautiful Festival Season is said to start from the month of September till November. After Spring, Autumn season in Nepal has always been the best peak trekking season in Nepal.

The post-monsoon gives the way for clear weather, a clean environment, and comfortable temperatures. This season has always been considered the longest since it extends further till the winter. Autumn also have always been the most advantageous season ideal for long treks and high-altitude passes.


Traditionally Winter in Nepal starts from the month of  December till February. Despite the extreme chill factor winter has always been a season offering crystal clear weather without any cloud hindrance.

However, winter trekking doesn’t appeal to many people so those trekking in Nepal during this month can experience serenity and solitude. Due to extreme temperatures and snow, at higher altitudes, there is a possibility of having limitations to route access, facility, and food options.

Shifting Seasons: 

How Climate Change is Altering Nepal’s Traditional Season Cycle?

The Global Warming that is triggering progressive Climate change is rapidly altering Nepal's traditional four-season cycle. This alteration in the season is now becoming a significant challenge for the country's tourism industry. The once-predictable weather of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter are now becoming increasingly unpredictable and extreme.

This shift in the season is disrupting the traditional seasons which is not compelling travel and tour operators of Nepal to readjust their schedules and itineraries. They are forced to re-evaluate trail safety and develop new routes and itineraries to cope with the changing conditions.

This Climate Change is indeed complicating logistical planning and peak season bookings for all travel agencies. Under this environment of growing uncertainty, tourism industries are struggling to deliver promising itineraries, manage client expectations, and ensure safety.

Significantly climate change has changed Nepal's rich biodiversity. This has undoubtedly created a challenging situation for bird watchers and wildlife lovers. The change has disrupted the traditional habitats and migration routes. With the change in the adaptable environment, there have been noticeable changes in bird populations, their breeding, migration, and behavior. 

This change has made bird-watching less predictable. Bird watchers in Nepal show their concern over this and say that common species are becoming rare and some unexpected species are sighted abnormally. The progressing climate change is complicating everything. Nowadays bird watchers in Nepal are finding it hard to organize a round trip for bird watchers even in the peak bird season.  

The Effects of Climate Change in Nepal Himalayas:

  • Due to the rising temperatures, the Himalayas in Nepal are warming faster than average resulting in acceleration in the melting of ice and glacier. Now Nepal has an increased risk of GLOF (Glacial Lake Outburst Floods) in the Himalayan regions. The recent GLOF incident at Thame Village on August 16, 2024, in the Everest region makes it all evident. 
  • Shifts in the monsoon timing are affecting the traditional monsoon pattern and becoming increasingly unpredictable and extreme causing landslides and floods. 
  • Winter is extending further than usual causing prolonged dry weather impacting agriculture, water scarcity, and initiating forest fires.
  • Due to extreme weather and changing climate patterns, Nepal is certainly experiencing extreme weather events of floods, landslides, forest fires, etc. The studies show that this pattern change is threatening the native flora and fauna of Nepal. Besides, Nepal’s key economic sectors Tourism and Agriculture are fighting to sustain itself in such a changing environment.

Trekking in Nepal with the New Changing Season:

It has been crucial for both the Tourism Industry and the Travelers to adapt to new trekking seasons in Nepal that are being reformed due to climate change. Due to the shift from traditional weather patterns to now uncertainty, it has become very important to stay and do the assessments accordingly.

It has also become for both the Tourism Industry and Travelers to adapt to flexibility, consider alternative routes, change the itinerary, and be prepared for any uncertainty to make the adventure more sustainable.

This may also involve not expecting traditional Spring and Autumn seasons to be entirely a great season for Trekking or Climbing. Maybe a particular month or the seasons previously considered unfavorable can be ideal for Nepal adventure. Adapting to the New changing season can surely ensure the sustainability of Nepal's trekking industry and could minimize negative impacts and risks. Furthermore, this way we can continue to promote Nepal's natural beauty and guarantee a great adventure experience.

Transformation of Nepal Trekking Seasons:

Now let us see how the traditional 4 seasons of Nepal are undergoing transformation due to Climate Change.

Spring (March-May):

The spring season of 2024 can be considered the worst season so far. The winter extended further until the spring causing a prolonged dry season which has been going on for a few years now. This resulted in abundant forest fires that developed a thick blanket of haze causing severe air pollution and poor visibility. In 2024 spring the mountain visibility was awful due to this haze and it also disrupted the entire domestic flight with delays and ample cancellations.

Besides, the blooming period of famous Rhododendrons and other floras shifted later. Many trekkers had the privilege to witness the Rhododendron until late May which is very unusual.  


  • Mountains may look more naked and gloomy due to earlier snowmelt.
  • The month of March may bring heavy snowfall rather than the winter.
  • Shift in rhododendron blooming periods. The trekkers may have to reschedule their itinerary to catch the colorful Rhodos.
  • Increased risk of domestic flight cancellation.

Summer/Monsoon (June – August):

Monsoon is starting late and extending until the end of September or early October. For example, in the year 2024, the monsoon started in late June instead of early June. The month of July is historically a peak rainfall season, but this year we experienced the peak monsoon shifting further to the end of July lasting until mid-August. August is actually a period of monsoon subside.

Traditionally monsoon gradually subsides by the end of August and Autumn starts in September. However, very unusually, it has been a few years now that the monsoon season is prolonged until early October and September is becoming more unfavorable for trekking.

Since 2022 trekkers have encountered leeches on the grassy trails even in early October which is very uncommon. Besides, Nepal is experiencing extreme monsoons with ample landslides and flooding even in the cities. 

This could actually create new opportunities giving the way for rain shadow area trekking like Upper Mustang Trek or Dolpo Trek but the risk of landslides and flash floods put this to limitations.


  • Delayed onset of monsoon season and extending further till early October. This may make September unfavorable for many trekking destinations.
  • Extreme rainfall, heat waves, and over-humid conditions.
  • Increased risk of landslides and flash floods that may result in road blockades and can affect your schedule.

Autumn (September – November):

Autumn has always been the favorite adventure season in Nepal. Besides, it is a festival season. However, with Climate Change Autumn season in Nepal too has undergone a noticeable change. Now the monsoon extends until late September making it the least favorable trekking season.

As always October and November have emerged as an ideal month for a Nepal adventure promising you great weather patterns. Even the most professional Nepali climbers recommend opting for Autumn season over Spring for climbing any high mountains in Nepal. But again winter is arriving earlier in November making the end of the Autumn season more cold with extreme temperatures.


  • Delayed start to the autumn trekking season
  • Expecting September to be the start of the Autumn season may not be applicable.
  • November may not be the Autumn season but the starting of the winter season with extreme chill.

Winter (December – February):

Winter trekking is becoming more popular these days in Nepal – It is becoming trendy and significant. Talking about winter trekking people think of snow and ice and the extreme chill factor. However, all this is absolutely true. But in Nepal, winter is getting drier with no snowfall in December and January but has shifted further to February and March. Now everywhere, December Trekking in Nepal is a top searched term in Google by travelers.  

In fact, as trendy as winter trekking in Nepal is getting it does promise you great weather with absolutely no cloud hindrance. This is creating both opportunities and challenges for winter trekkers but it delivers your expectations. Despite the extreme chill factor winter trekking in Nepal is considered more reliable than the other 3 seasons in Nepal.

Since 2022, Nepal has witnessed a notable increase in winter tourism. Now the traditionally quieter season of winter is transforming into a season of growing visitors making it more lively and promising.


  • Getting trendier than Spring or Autumn.
  • Delivers perfect weather conditions ideal for trekking
  • Doesn’t mean a lot of snowfall at higher altitudes rather it can be drier and gloomy.
  • Extreme wind chill factor but beautiful weather.
  • Increased avalanche risk in some areas.

To conclude, though climate change is reshaping Nepal's trekking seasons it is certainly conveying both challenges and new opportunities for travelers. The traditional trekking season is being disrupted by early onset and extended winters, late arrival and extended monsoons, and more extreme climate events. 

So all these changeover in the trekking seasons demands a flexible approach to planning and remodeling our way of dealing with the new change. We all are stuck to our historic conditioning and still following the same old pattern and expecting things to go perfect.

However, it’s high time to get together and amend the traditional way of dealing with things and adapt to new changes. Adapting to these changes with preparedness and respect, Nepal will forever remain a premier destination for trekking enthusiasts around the world.

Sunil Gurung

Sunil Gurung

An Adventurer who founded Nepal Pyramids to showcase the enchanting wonders of Nepal. A writer moved to share the wonders, wisdom, and warmth discovered in the mountain communities of this magical country.

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